Saturday, April 24, 2010

Musical Coasters

As I mentioned earlier in the week, I started working on my decoupage coasters. My first coaster experiment - "Beatle Mania"!

Earlier this year my Beatles' "1" album was damage. I have since received another copy as a gift, but obviously I didn't have a need for two of the same Beatles' album cases. The "1" album booklet has Beatles album covers on every page in different sizes. I cut out the pictures that I liked the most, and started rearranging them on a glass coaster.

Using Mod Podge Brand (I bought the glossy finish), I glued each cut-out onto the coaster. After letting it dry for a while, I then coated the top with about 6 layers of Mod Podge. (As instructed, wait at least 20 minutes between coats.) It may seem like layer overkill for some but I wanted to make sure it was sealed well since it will be used as a functional coaster, and I don't want water rings to ruin the collage. Using a razor blade, the excess collage around the sides of the coaster were cut off. I then coated Mod Podge around the sides of the coaster as an extra sealant.

Since I have four of these glass coasters, I started making another Beatles coasters (which is still in the works), and I'll probaby use another musical artist as the inspiration for the other two coasters. I'll post a picture of all four when they are complete.
If you don't already have coasters available, craft stores do carry small sets of coasters that are decorating-ready.

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